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The real me is invisible. No one can see her except for me.


//G e n e r a l . . .

Name: Black Hole Sun

Callname: Sunny

Gender: Female

Breed: Peafowl Friesian

Age: 6 Color: Hallow w/ Bioluminescence, carries Pied Plume, carries Solid

Height: 15.4 hh

Mate: None

Offspring: None

Breeding?: Available

Discipline: Dressage

Rider: Schuyler Ransom




//C h a r a c t e r . . .


  • Always changing: Sunny is never the same around other horses and people. She tries to force herself to behave in a way that everyone will like her and, because of this, no one actually knows what her real personality is like. Sometimes, she doesn't even know herself.

  • Nervous: Even though she tries to pass herself off as perfect most of the time, she still comes off as being fairly nervous. Especially when she is meeting someone new for the first time. She doesn't know what their personality is like yet or how to act around them so it makes her very quiet and cautious.

  • Quiet: As mentioned previously, she does have a tendency to be pretty quiet. She can force herself to be bubbly if the situation requires, but for the most part, especially when she's alone, she spends a lot of time locked in her own head.




Being alone, being "perfect," being liked by others, dancing (AKA dressage), being out in nature




Being surrounded by others, being disliked, not saying the right things, too much noise

//Breeding . . .

Lineage: STARTER

Slots: 5
1. Shelby-3000

//History. . .


//Peafowl Points . . .

- Reference - 11 PP (You are here!)

-Old reference - 11 PP (

-Pixel icon - 8 PP (

-Zombie-fied - 5 PP (

- Final Thoughts - 2 PP (
- Icon - 6 PP (

Total: 43 PP

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black hole sun ref.png



The fall is winding to an end. Winter nips at my face like a hungry wolf, pursuing me relentlessly until eventually it catches me. I know that I will not make it through this season. I've lived a long life. 16 summers. But those 16 summers have been so lonely that I find myself feeling unfulfilled. I don't want to go yet, not even close. But perhaps that is selfish of me. I did live a good life. I found love, I saw beautiful places. My biggest regret is that I denied myself the opportunity to know myself. I focused so much on being perfect and presentable, that I don't even know the truth about myself. I like to think that I was kind... generous... open-hearted.


Aside from wishing that I knew myself better, I wish that I had loved more unapologetically. I was always sorry for everything that I did, and I was so shy that I could hardly think of admitting my feelings to someone. The only one I admitted my feelings to stayed by my side, and I was thankful for that. But eventually, he left too. Now I face the darkness alone and hope that, when I see the light, I will no longer be afraid.

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